Outsell Innovation: Brett Gens, Development
Brett Gens has been nominated by Katy Lyman for Outsell Innovation!
Brett Gens in Development has created a Word template for writing Agile User Stories that is incredibly useful and simple.
User stories capture the ‘who’, ‘what’ and ‘why’ of a requirement in software development, a simple description of a product requirement in terms of what that requirement must accomplish and for whom.
“Writing user stories isn’t a chore with Brett, it’s a pleasure – which is a real change of pace. He distills down core concepts, helps you formulate acceptance criteria and requirements, and empowers you to own the work you do with him. Writing these takes half the time it used to and, instead of leaving the meeting cranky and stressed, I feel productive and energized. Brett rocks. And I just wanted to make sure someone knew that.”
-Katy Lyman
Thank you, Brett, for making Outsell more efficient!
Brett Gens was also featured in a “Meet Outsell” article last November. Read the article now to learn more about this innovative member to our development team.