Judy Wright has been nominated as an Outsell Transformer for Initiative

Judy Wright from the Support team has been nominated anonymously for exemplifying the Outsell Value INITIATIVE

“Judy has worked night and day the last two months working on a special project. She’s taken a lot of her own time to help instruct me on how to assist with the process. Recently she came in from a dentist appointment and could barely speak because of a procedure. I was having trouble completing one of the tasks she assigned me and she simply said, through a swollen mouth, “That’s okay, I can help.” She’s a fantastic example of initiative and helpfulness, and definitely inspires me to do the best I can at Outsell.” – Anonymous

Thank you, Judy, for going above and beyond with Initiative!

Judy Wright – Support

Manages all Accounting Process & Control, Prepares Financial Statements, Budget, and Taxes

Hometown: Shanghai, China
Graduated from University of St. Thomas

Fun Facts:
Knows Tai Chi

Outsell Transformers – Outsell Associates who go above and beyond exemplifying the Outsell Values. Learn more about the Outsell Values here.