Mike Wethington – Counted Among CEO World Awards’ CEOs of the Year


Congratulations, Mike Wethington, for being named one of the CEO World Award winners for CEO of the year! Mike is listed in the category Founder/Entrepreneur.

See the full list of winners here: http://www.ceoworldawards.com/world/

The annual CEO World Awards program encompasses the world’s best in leadership, innovation, organizational performance, new products and services, CEO case studies, and customer satisfaction programs from every major industry in the world. Organizations from all over the world are eligible to submit nominations including public and private, for-profit and non-profit, largest to smallest, and new start-ups.

More than 30 judges from a broad spectrum of industry voices from around the world and over 200 CEOs participated. Their average scores determined the 2013 CEO World Award winners.

Learn more about The CEO World Awards at www.ceoworldawards.com