Outsell Softball Update

As reported by Amy Van Schepen:
Over the last 2 weeks, Outsell’s softball team, The Dream Team, has battled many obstacles: injuries, rules of the game, and opposing teams’ bats.
Here is a recap of the last two games.
Game Day 2 – Opponent: “I’d Hit That”
Hitting the field for the second game of the season, The Dream Team showed up and was prepared for the fight. Welcoming new players Dinesh Murali (Development), Ram Nutheti (Development), Joe Korte (Client Engagement), Bill Weldon (IT), and Andrea Johnson (friend of Amy Van Schepen), the group took the field in what looked like their best shot for a win. I’d Hit That was very gracious in bending the rules for the team to let The Dream Team take the field.
The first game ended under the 20-run rule with The Dream Team scoring a team best of 3 runs. The second game didn’t prove much better. Even though I’d Hit That slowed their pace, The Dream Team still fell under the 20-run rule. Although we lost our two games that night, spirits were high and momentum was growing.
Game Day 3 – Opponent: “Upper Midwest Indian Center”
With the building momentum (and roster), The Dream Team welcomed new comers James Stites (Client Engagement) and Matt Hanley (Administrative Support) to the team. After disputing the most tedious of rules with the umpire, the teams were finally allowed to take the field. The first game went smoothly with very little fanfare to an Outsell loss. The second game came with a few concessions from the other team on the rules to allow us to play with more males than females. With the changes made, The Dream team was fighting hard for that victory. After both teams played hard, Upper Midwest Indian Center came out victorious (see injury report below).
Injury Report:
Bill Weldon – Gashes to knees and hands, contusions on knees.
Amy Van Schepen – Gash to the arm, contusions on knees.
Michael Tomiak – An aching ear lobe.
Nicole Tako – Ball to the mouth.
The Dream Team – Bruised egos, but high spirits.
If these game accounts haven’t scared you off yet, we would still love for more associates to play. Our team is getting stronger and we are so close to hitting a win! We only have 2 game days left, and females are encouraged to participate. Refreshments are provided along with a free Outsell Couzie!
Please see Amy Van Schepen if you are interested in participating!
Games Left (all played at 601 Morgan Ave S, Minneapolis):
• August 27 against “Get Rallied” – at 6pm & 7pm
• September 10 against “Morgan Ave Madness” – at 6pm & 7pm