Outsell Softball—A Dream to Remember

Monday, August 6th game, as reported by Amy Van Schepen:
The Outsell Softball team, formally known as The Dream Team, had their first game Monday, August 6th, to great fanfare. With some short notice on getting the team together, we managed to have 7 Outsell members including 1 former employee. While softball rules state that you must have 9 players to field a team, The Dream Team managed to take the field with the help of 4 players from the opposing team, Purple Squatch.
The game started off like any other game—both teams battling in a close 0-1 run game. The Dream Team thought they may have had them on their heels until the 2nd inning when Purple Squatch scored 8 runs, making it a 2-9 game. While the score kept getting higher, The Dream Team’s determination did not seem to wavier one bit. Minus the 15 run 4th inning, spirits were high and the outs were piling up.
While the final score (2-32) made it look like The Dream Team was over-matched, everyone managed to have a good time, including the MVP of the game, Tim Gilmore, the only Outsell member of the team to score a run. But, of course, everyone on that field was a winner: Katy Lyman (Insights), Michael Tomiak (Campaign Operations), Yasser Pinto (Chat), Amy Van Schepen (Campaign Operations), Nicole Tako (Campaign Operations), Time Gilmore (Campaign Operations), and former Outsell employee Melissa Fall. Thanks everyone for coming out, and come join us for any of our upcoming games!
Upcoming Games (all played at Bryn Mawr Fields):
• Monday, August 13 vs. I’d Hit That (games at 6 & 7)
• Monday, August 20 vs. Upper Midwest Indian Center (games at 6 & 7)
• Monday, August 27 vs. Get Railed (games at 6 & 7)
• Monday, September 10 vs. Morgan Ave Madness (games at 6 & 7)
For more pictures, check out the Outsell Facebook page!
And just because the season has already started, doesn’t mean we can’t use more players.
If you are an Outsell employee interested in joining up, please talk to Amy Van Schepen for more details.