Tough Mudder 2012

“Tough Mudder events are hardcore 10-12 mile obstacle courses designed by British Special Forces to test your all around strength, stamina, mental grit, and camaraderie.”
The Outsell Tough Mudder Team is currently standing at 10 people. There was a lot of big talk during the Outsell holiday party about participating, but only a brave few have stepped up to the challenge.
What’s so scary about a 10-12 mile run featuring nearly 30 obstacles that include running through Tasers, crawling through mud under 8 inch high barbwire, and scaling a gigantic slippery quarter pipe?
Tough Mudder Participation is one of the company goals of 2012, promoting perseverance and team work, so we need more engagement from the rest of the company. We need to discuss costume/uniforms, training plans, corporate sponsorship, and beer drinking. Yes, beer drinking is an official part of Tough Mudder. The Mudder is that awesome. So are you brave/dumb enough to join up?
Please visit this link to join the team.
Team Password: outsell
Avoid because you will probably get scared and not sign up.